воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Seeing as this was a pretty ineffective weekend for getting things done in general...yeah. Woke up at 12 today, which didnapos;t really help the whole getting-things-done idea. I am done all my schoolwork for tomorrow, though, except for one article on the Catawba Indians, which I tried to read once before dinner (got bored and hungry), then twice after dinner, and I fell asleep. Twice. For like an hour and a half the second time. Gave up after that...I figure Iapos;ve got the general idea of the article

And now Iapos;m a little too awake for midnight, thanks to the accidental nap. So I guess Iapos;ll just have to sew for an hour or so. (Torturous punishment, no?)

Also, I still have a cold. I am exceedingly displeased about this.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

battle driftwood jimmy new orleans

Well the other week Gavin suggested we go see Body of Lies , so it was organized for today to go see it at 9:10 pm. I drove to Nicks house to pick him up to catch him watching CardCaptor Sakura. Me, Nick and His mum had an interesting discussing on how Gavin should get a job lol.

drove to Gavins house and intersetingly he had parked in the street (last time there was no room to open my door in the car port lol), anyway after he sorted some stuff out he drove me,nick and himself to the cinema.

Nick was our ticketman again (due to he owed me money he payed for a majority of my ticket), despite nicks insistance last time we were there that they donapos;t need to see our concession card (which they didnapos;t last time), while waiting in the food line he came up asking for mine and gavins concession cards since they asked him for it lol.

Anyway Body of Lies was an excellent movie and extremly well done.

Afterwoulds Gavin drove us back to his place and then I drove Nick back to his place (Luckily his mum didnapos;t get home early since I was in the middle of the carport which means I woulda blocked her in)

Fun movie and hopefully there will be another good movie coming up on the cinema.
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cheap airline ticket to san diego

HAHAHA I wore Capos;s slipperz
Omg his pair of slippers are far more better best�than my fatherapos;s sandals that I wore to the swimming carnival
:)�Iapos;m so glad that I went wooozx. Thou I didnapos;t had the chance to swim, even in the mass swim. Never mind HAHAHA
I had lunch @ macs with some classmates before walking home. And otw home, the sandals I was wearing broke Omg so embarrassing I was walking like a handicap but whatever, I was happy k :D

Sad (BOOO)
Because of something, it wrecked my 2do list and Iapos;ll not be able to afford any birthday prezzies and I nid to save :C
As in, really save.
From now onwards, Iapos;ll not spend or go out unless itapos;s like once in a long while. SORRY
But exercising and jogging is not wasting munny so itapos;s ok (Stacy).
Learning how to play new songs on guitar is fun and not wasting $$$ too (Jetballz)
Disney movie marathon with some potato chips canapos;t hurt my pocket too much so itapos;s cool. (Anyone?)
Exploring the airport is fun too (whoapos;s up for it?)
The library is a good place to chill. Or school (HEHE)
Long bus / train rides +�spotting funny people? (

Yay, I think my holiday is not going to be boring with lil money hahaha

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desvan el

Iapos;m still alive here, although not much has changed other than classes have started and I find them somewhat not at all challenging. I do have money though, and now food. Food used to be a low priority for me, but since going hungry for over a week it has moved up to apos;toiletsapos;, apos;bedapos; and apos;showerapos; priorities. I am of course homesick, I think the things besides family, friends, and pets that I miss most are:
-normal food (the English have a poor sense of taste, but Indian food is now the best thing ever)
-sunshine (makes having S.A.D unpleasantly emotional sometimes. Like pms except when its really overcast and rainy)
-my car
-clean toilets/kitchen
-activity things, like biking, tennis, the pool, etc.

things that I love so far about this place:
-very easy access to historical sites and museums
-Indian food

Iapos;m lucky in that my friends skype me pretty regularly which helps with the missing them part of life here. Iapos;m trying to be cool with going places alone, but sometimes it sucks because I see something awesome and I immediately want to tell someone about it or talk about it and I have to wait for email or a call home. Making friends is still proving difficult, I donapos;t seem to fit in well with the majority of people because I donapos;t enjoy parties with a bunch of drunk strangers (or drunk people), Iapos;m not interested in sleeping with anyone (or really even dating right now- its more trouble than its worth), and things like that. So, weapos;ll see what happens. Iapos;m now able to post pics to facebook, and I put up a few this morning if you want to have a look :)
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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Okay i seriously dont know why im so bummed out by this whole thing. The new timetable, and the whole leadership thing. It isnapos;t that bad. Learning leadership is good. And plus we already expected to be split up. I guess it just hit me now. I really am slow to process stuff. It wouldnt be that bad.
another thing is my freaking hair. The right side is losing its curls already while the left side is still kicking on. Its so uneven. I am just so bothered by the unevenness. Urgh.
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church involvement sermon

My mom and I got in another fight. Shocker? she says that I am cocky and I think Iapos;m better than everyone else. I told her that I donapos;t care what people think about me and she told me, "well youapos;d better start caring what some people think of you, or youapos;re never going to make it in this world." Well, duh. Obviously Iapos;m going to care what important people think of me. But I donapos;t care what the fucking kids in my school think of me.

sorry to anyone that got the impression from me that Iapos;m "better than them". I honestly do not think that, but I do like who I am. Maybe that comes off as cockiness?

My mom doesnapos;t agree with me on anything. Sheapos;s so distant. I love her, and she loves me, but itapos;s not.. Right. Like hannah said on her LJ, it seems kind of like a forced love. We are always awkward around eachother, and we fight pretty much 24/7.

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вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

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Iapos;m a little confused this morning. Alot confused actually. Although itapos;s silly, since he doesnapos;t have access to a computer right now and canapos;t see this, I still check my journal every morning. And when I did just a moment ago, it says updated "1 day ago." But I updated it last night, rather enjoying reliving for a few minute my night. Was I so sleepy that I didnapos;t post it? Admittedly the little fun he allowed me, coupled with my day at work left me feeling pleasantly exhausted, but I wasnapos;t -that- sleepy. Regardless, whether it was a glitch, or my fault, itapos;s not here. I donapos;t have very much time before I have to leave for work, so Iapos;ll post (again) when I come home from work today. I donapos;t mind so much, because then I get to think again about last night, and it was a rather good one. In the meantime, I hope he has a wonderful day off.

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Arcsol asked me the other day: "maats cap or mandau?"

we were talking about it, thinking about the proapos;s and conapos;s of both to which he should do first.
we turned out not being able to make a decision, but now im leaning toward telling him to do maats cap.
why? because he is closer to it, helps more of his jobs, and his thf is lol.

the way i see it, arc u have 4 options

1)get kumar his aegis (pick me, pick me)
2)work towards maats cap
3)get mandau for ur rdm and ur lolthf
or 4)not do it

what do u guys think? which option would u choose (pick 1, pick 1)? Like to hear peoples ideas/opinions even if u have no idea who arcola or kumdizzle (me) is.
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понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

bitter gourd diabetes

We liepen terug over het strandje.

Daar zwom een ratje zonder zwembandje.

Want hij zwom voor zijn zwemdiploma A.


Hij mocht nog niet voor zijn B.

Want dat moest in de zee.

Het was in de avond.

En niemand hield zijn mond.

Hij zwom in het Markermeer.

En het was gelukkig goed weer.

Hij moest alweer bijna naar bed.

Dat deed hij Met zijn knuffel set.

Zwemmenvond hij erg fijn.

Maar voor sommige dingen was hij net te klein.

Zoals voor schoonspringen.

En zulke dingen.

Daarna gingen we terug over de brug.

En dat ging vliegensvlug.

Iedereen was aan het gapen.

Daarom gingen we snel proberen te slapen.

Er was veel lawaai.

Dat kwam door een kraai.

Slapen konden we niet.

Dat kwam door een parkiet.

� �� �� �� �� Einde

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