понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

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Parental Oversight of Special Student Education, the POSSE, is out to track you down� Any Roswell, New Mexico, parent who is raising a special needs child and has had trouble getting services from Roswell ISD, needs help finding resources, or just needs a shoulder to lean on now and then has a face on a wanted poster, and the POSSE is searching for you.

First, an explanation of how the POSSE was born.� My niece, Reamy Hendrickson, has a son who has had undiagnosed classroom problems for years.� Those issues manifested themselves--of course--in poor behavior.� The child just finished five months of residential rehabilitation.� It must have been a nightmare for that boy to be separated from his family for so long, yet he stuck it out and is struggling mightily just to be normal now.�

When he returned to Roswell in September 2008, Reamy enrolled him in an RISD school outside of her normal school zone because she wanted him to have a fresh start.� She informed the administration and the teacher of his conditions and requested that he be evaluated and get an IEP.� The school seemed to be taking its time getting things going, and meanwhile, the teacher tried to treat Reamy's son, a boy with documented learning disabilities, as though he was the same as any other kid in the classroom.� For my nephew, that translated to teacher disapproval and forcing him to miss recess day after day.� My little nephew came home last week having forgotten his homeworking assignments.� As any good mother would do, Reamy loaded him up, drove back to school, and sent him inside to get his assignments.� The teacher, however, could not be bothered to unlock the classroom for this special needs child, whether he has an IEP yet or not.�

Reamy called me, distraught over the prospect that her son would lose his recess again, and if anyone needs a little unstructured time to de-stress and regroup, it's little Aaron.� Together, we authored a respectful, yet firm e-mail complaining about Aaron's treatment and sent it the RISD superintendent, one Mr. Gottlieb.� What was RISD's response?� The very next morning, the school's principal called Reamy to the school, told her she was disappointed that she had sent that e-mail, and informed her that Aaron had to return to the school in his home zone.�

Reamy was crushed.� All she had done was ask for a little compassion, and, instead, met with bureaucratic defensiveness and retaliation.� We called several offices, including one state office, and found little to no help. Everyone said that the school was within its rights.� Perhaps.� But exercising a "right" does not make it right.� � Aaron starts school where his pre-treatment condition created problems, and he'll be cheated out of that fresh start now.

As were fighting this initial losing battle, it occurred to us that others have likely received the same treatment at RISD's hands.� Reamy could have used some help, but there was no one to help her--at least none she about.�

The POSSE can change that. Via this blog and monthly support meetings, parents can share their stories, point to resources, and generally help each other navigate through an insensitive, bureaucratic system and get help for each others' children. Reamy and I also envision monthly talks, often from guest speakers, about particular issues of special interest to Roswell's special parents.� The POSSE will also be about action.� For instance,� when people need to confront the school district at, say, a school board meeting, POSSE members can go with them to lend moral support and more, if needed.� Members can also focus coordinated campaigns to raise the level of service to special needs children in RISD.� A group of committed, knowledgeable parents can do just about anything.� �

Reamy is looking for a location for the first meeting as I write this.� Just as soon as she finds a place, I'll advertise it here and also send out a press release to all Roswell media.�

Join the POSSE and round up some justice for your children's education

� �

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